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Bon cadeau Patricia Vieira artiste

25 CHF

Offrez l'accès à mon travail d'artiste et participez au partage de l'Art.
Choisissez un montant et écrivez un message personnalisé pour rendre ce cadeau unique.
Envoi par email, de suite ou différé
Offrez l'accès à mon travail d'artiste et participez au partage de l'Art. Choisissez un montant et écrivez un message personnalisé pour rendre ce cadeau unique. Envoi par email, de suite ou différé

25 CHF
50 CHF
100 CHF
150 CHF
200 CHF
300 CHF
400 CHF
500 CHF
Other amount

- The gift card is only available in digital format: you will receive it in your email inbox and can forward it by email or print it yourself

- The gift card contains a code that can be entered in the third step of the checkout process and the order must be placed before the code expires

- A gift card can only be used for one order

- The entire amount of the gift card must be used at once

- Must be used in the currency indicated on the gift card

- The value of the gift card cannot be deposited into the Wix wallet

- Can be used for products available on

- Not exchangeable for cash and do not accrue interest

- Cannot be exchanged or used for additional gift cards

- Expires after 24 months from the date of purchase

- Cannot be offered and/or sold on other e-commerce stores (for example your online store)

- Cannot be attributed to the product or service of an e-commerce store

- Can be used on the Wix platform/this site to cover the costs of manually placed orders in e-commerce stores

- For face-to-face classes, contact is made directly with Patricia Vieira, the gift voucher must be sent by the recipient of the gift voucher directly to the artist, by hand or by email, at the time of making an appointment.

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